If left untreated, asphalt pavements will eventually be destroyed by elements of weather. Sun and oxidation dry the oils out of the asphalt mix and leave the pavement brittle. Loose aggregate begins to ravel and the surface becomes rough and faded. Rain and water from irrigation further erode the pavement’s cohesive strength.
Sealcoating will protect an asphalt pavement by sealing in the vital oils of the asphalt mix and sealing out sun, oxidation and water. Sealcoating also improves the appearance of asphalt pavements by providing a uniform black color. Sealcoat materials are available in different grades designed for use depending on pavement condition, type of traffic and budget requirements. Typically sealcoating should be re-applied on a regular basis, and can extend a pavement’s life for many years.
C. E. O. has an extensive line of sealcoating products to meet all of your pavement needs, including emulsions modified with polymers and fortified with recycled rubber additives. We can help you select the best product for your particular application.